Kannsir Destruction Kit

Everything needed from the
Alternative world in One place

The BAD News

is that in 2022, 1,777,566 people in the U.S. were diagnosed with cancer. The REALLY bad news is that 608,366 died in 2023. For those who are trusting in the mainstream medical establishment for cancer treatments, these stats show a 34.2% failure rate using chemo and radiation therapies. If 34.2% failure rates are fine with you, then continue to do these failing therapies and entreat God Almighty to intervene and save you.

The GOOD News

If a 34.2% failure rate does not encourage you and give you hope, you are at the right place to learn and apply highly successful alternative therapies outlined in this website.

Tuesday morning, 8:32 am, August 6, 2019 was the day and time I lost my father and best friend to stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Nothing brings us to grips with our own mortality like getting the Bad News that we've just been diagnosed with cancer (kannsir) or losing someone close to us to it.
I had a roommate in the US Navy die at the age of just 19 back in 1976. My step father died in 1997 from bone cancer. I've had dozens of friends and acquaintenances die through the years as I stood by helplessly and watched as the known therapies slowly drained the life out of them. Yes, a few survived but not without long term damage. Yes, some semi-enjoyed a few more years before succumbing to it again. I currently have a friend on their 3rd bout of a different kind each time.
I'd had enough and it was time to find a better way to treat kannsir. I've spent my whole life finding ways to make things more efficient, better, faster, cheaper, and easier and it was time to apply this God-given talent to use to help people in ways I couldn't even have imagined.
The result is what you'll learn about here at the Kannsir Destruction Kit website.
This KDKit is ONLY available to Alt1 members. So if you'd like to join for free, do so here: Bit.ly/alt1-mem

To get detailed information about The Kit, click HERE
The products in The Kit were recently written up in a paper put out by the Journal of OrthoMolecular Medicine Issue 39 Number 3 Sept 19, 2024 confirming many of the products in The Kit.
Starting on page 2 they cover:
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Ivermectin
  • Benzimidazoles
Our kit DOES NOT include Ivermectin but should someone want it, we do carry it. They also don't mention the need for an ioniphor to aid in the use of zinc. So we also carry HydroxyChloroquine (HCQ), the quinine needed for zinc, however, you can also get that by drinking Tonic Water.

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Alt1, Private Health Association
Nicholas St Jon, N.a.MD (Not a Medical Dr.)
c/o 280 Greg St. Suite 10
Reno, NV [89502]
Cell: 775.772.6467
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[email protected]
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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